WHO'S UP And WHO'S DOWN: Week of the Turner Meltdown


Linda Carter 

The Union County Freeholder gets the nod from the Union County Democratic Committee to succeed the late Assemblyman Jerry Green (D-22).

Lisa Swain and Chris Tully

The Fair Lawn Mayor and former Bergenfield Council President have the critical support of the LD38 Bergen County Democratic Committee to succeed Joe Lagana and Tim Eustace in the Assembly.

Cathleen Lewis 

The former Lawrence Councilwoman is the new Deputy Chief Administrator at the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission.

Louis Cartabona

The Alpha councilman was found not guilty of wrongdoing in a bathroom break-inspired shoving match with fellow Councilman Harry Zikas Jr.


Phil Murphy

The Governor signed pay equity this week at the 100-day mark of his administration - that's good for national projection, but he lacks an adequate inside game here in Jersey, as evidenced by the meltdown (see below) of Adam Alonso.


Caren Turner

The former Port Authority of New York and New Jersey commissioner imploded during a traffic stop in a police video seen around the world. Dreadful.

Adam Alonso

Governor Phil Murphy's Deputy of Staff aborted his designs on the Bergen County Democratic Committee chairmanship after aggressive push back from rank and file members.

Bob Menendez

The Senate Ethics Committee (three Republicans and three Democrats) rebuked senior the U.S. Senator over his relationship with eye doctor Salomen Melgen, giving Menendez's Republican rival - and the New Jersey Republican Committee - an opening.

Chris Christie

A Monmouth University Poll this week rated former Governor Chris Christie dead last among former New Jersey Governors who have served since 1974.



Previous comments for: WHO'S UP And WHO'S DOWN: Week of the Turner Meltdown

  1. Erin says:

    Can we call Caren "Ms." now? Hahaha...........this is hysterical! She truly believes she is better than these officers. So many "Carens" in the world. They do realize they are not immortal, don't they? Hahahahaha Aw, Caren, lighten up and be nice.

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