Why My First Presidential Vote is for Trump

Donald Trump

Many people have wondered why I, a 19 year old New Jerseyan, support Donald Trump. It was a great honor to cast my first ever presidential vote for him. Quite simply, I believe he has shown that he is capable of taking on our country’s toughest challenges.

I do not agree with every single thing Trump says and Tweets, but on policy, he has made America great again. President Trump has created an economy that works for all Americans, with a stock market meeting all time highs, unemployment for women and minorities at an all time low, and landmark tax reform which has helped the average American and allowed businesses to raise wages- conservatively.

In January 2017, nobody expected a Trump administration to have the GDP growth we have seen throughout his second and third years in office. Even this past quarter, as we recover from the gift of China, we see a booming 33.1% GDP growth, with CNBC calling it, “better than expected.”

Joe Biden and the far left extremists in his party would put policies in place to reverse the V-shape economic recovery that we have, thanks to the incumbent President. What makes President Trump different from the typical DC politician is his affirming support for veterans, the rule of law, standing up to dictators, and putting America first.

When leaders in Syria were attacking innocent women and children with chemical weapons, he stepped in. Trump got Kim Jong-Un to meet with him and discuss the concept of world peace. Speaking of that, Obama-Biden’s ISIS is essentially off the map.

President Trump is a champion for suburbia and our nation’s children. A supporter of school choice, he has also made “free speech” easier on college campuses. Biden has committed to eliminating the oil and fracking industries. He believes Antifa is an “idea” and will not tell us his opinion of court packing until “after the election.” What does he have to hide?

President Trump has appointed originalist individuals to our judiciary, including the Supreme Court, who will defend the Constitution. He also is a staunch supporter of Israel, having moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and opposing “cancel culture.”

Just because you are young does not mean you have to give in to the radicalism from the left who want you to think they’re handing out free stuff. For the love of America, I unequivocally support President Donald J. Trump for re-election because too much is on the line, and I support a man’s policies and accomplishments over any other metric.

Michael Schnoll is a Republican operative from Mahwah, NJ, where he serves as a GOP County Committeeman. A 2020 graduate of Mahwah High School, he is a freshman majoring in Political Science at Indiana University Bloomington.

Previous comments for: Why My First Presidential Vote is for Trump

  1. dcccb says:

    Wow....this kid's ability to repeat idiotic and easily disproven right-wing talking points is really remarkable...and utterly pathetic. I would feel sorry for him if I was capable of feeling sympathy for people who are ruining this country through their ignorance and willingness to toss democracy in the trash to "win" an election.

  2. MyDaddyIsRich says:

    This will age so well!

  3. Matt says:

    I was directed here by Google News. I wanted to see what a young Republican thought of Trump. Appears nothing more than a college freshmen-level summarization of Trump talking points. Trump is a danger to us all. See https://www.mcsweeneys.net/columns/reasons-why-donald-trump-is-unfit-to-be-president

  4. tiredofit says:

    Good lord, this kid is a "columnist"? There's something to be said for posting opposing views, but when someone writes idiotic nonsense like "Obama-Biden's ISIS" they're not very far away from Q-Anon.

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