Wisniewski for Governor Goes up on the Air with Final TV Spot of the Cycle


The John Wisniewski campaign aired its latest television on 60 Minutes this evening, a buy that will run on broadcast and cable in both the Philadelphia and New York media markets until June 6th Election Day.

From Kevin Keefe, Campaign Manager:

“When we qualified for matching funds a few months ago, we received a massive infusion of cash. Put it on TV many counseled, but we held back.

“Since then every dollar we raised has been matched with two more dollars by the state. The nest egg has been building, and building, and building, while everyone has been crying for us to go up on TV. It took courage to hold back and wait for the critical last days when voters make up their minds,” O’Keefe added. “This race is wide open. We’ve been slowly climbing in the polls, Murphy has dropped three points, and undecideds continue to lead. Ever since the debate we have controlled the dialogue and tonight we make our move!

“Our new TV ad will air on 60 Minutes. We present the voters of New Jersey a sharp contrast. John shows the fortitude to stand up to the party bosses, because it’s time somebody stood up for the interests of Main Street, not Wall Street.”

Click here to view the ad!

Wisniewski Advertisement



Donald Trump, surrounded by former Goldman Sachs bankers.

Meet Phil Murphy. Another wall street banker running for governor – whose firm helped trigger the financial meltdown that put millions out of work and out of their homes.

Murphy’s trying to buy the election, paying off New Jersey bosses.

John Wisniewski:
My name’s John Wisniewski and I’m running for governor of New Jersey

John Wisniewski the son of a millwright who uncovered the Bridgegate scandal and exposed Chris Christie’s corruption

The choice: insider wall street politics or main street New Jersey values

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