Working Families Party, Center for Popular Democracy Action Urge Cory Booker to Cancel Fundraiser

Two progressive organizations, the Working Families Party and the Center for Popular Democracy Action, called on U.S. Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker to cancel his planned $2,800/plate fundraiser on Friday, scheduled to be hosted by Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo and South Jersey Power Broker George Norcross.
DiVincenzo, the Essex County Executive, oversees an immigrant detention facility that has been cited for inhumane conditions, while Norcross stands at the center of a corporate tax incentive scandal that includes allegations of unregistered lobbying and self-dealing, te groups noted. Twenty-one grassroots organizations in New Jersey have already urged Booker to cancel the fundraiser.
While Booker spoke at last night’s presidential debate about the need to reform our immigration system, his backer DiVincenzo presides over a detention center dubbed by the Star-Ledger “too cruel for ICE.” In June, Department of Homeland Security inspectors found “egregious violations,” including strip-searching inmates, failing to report safety lapses, robbing detainees of outdoor space, inappropriately putting them in solitary confinement, and serving them spoiled food. Earlier this year Divicenzo gave a $45,000 raise to a key lieutenant, Phil Alagia, for his management of the facility.
“As a senator and a presidential candidate, Cory Booker has spoken eloquently of the need to treat migrants with dignity and to decriminalize our broken immigration system,” said Ana Maria Archila, co-director of Center for Popular Democracy Action. “It’s disappointing that he would turn around and immediately take money from ICE profiteers who have treated immigrants and refugees with such inhumanity. This is not a hard decision. He should listen to the grassroots outrage coming from his own constituents and cancel this fundraiser immediately.”
Meanwhile, WNYC and Pro Publica have reported that, since the passage of the 2013 Economic Opportunity Act, more than $1.1 billion in tax credits have gone to companies and charities associated with Norcross, or to clients of his brother Philip’s law and lobbying firms. The EOA was sponsored by George’s other brother, former State Sen. and current U.S. Rep. Donald Norcross. The New York Times reported that a partner at Philip’s law firm, Kevin Sheehan, rewrote significant portions of the EOA to benefit clients in what may have been an act of unregistered lobbying.
An investigatory task force established by the Governor recently confirmed the law was written to serve “special interests,” including companies connected to Norcross. Several of these companies face allegations of fraud, either for allegedly providing false information in their tax credit applications or for allegedly gaming the system with false threats to leave the state to maximize their rewards. Multiple outlets have reported that a grand jury has been convened.
“George Norcross and Joe DiVincenzo represent the worst transactional and self-dealing politics the Democratic Party has to offer, and Cory Booker shouldn’t take their dirty money,” said Maurice Mitchell, national director of the Working Families Party. “When people say that our political system is rigged for the fortunate few, these machine bosses are exactly who they’re talking about. Senator Booker: No $2,800 check is worth compromising your principles. You still have time to call it off.”
Booker is a Norcross boy just like Wayne Bryant and Dana Redd. He is completely dedicated to George Booker is a real stool pigeon. He does what Norcross tells him to do. Norcross has had years to build up his elected robots that do as they are told. He’s controlled state jobs and board seats. This is where Murphy needs to start replacing those jobs with people he can trust and those who Norcross and Sweeney sabotaged and harassed to lose their jobs. That will seriously Anger Sweeney and Norcoss completely to see those they had terminated rehired back in a state job. Thu is one way to really mess Norcross and Sweeney up
It's always money over principle for Spartacus.