Worried about McCabe Muscle Flexing in Mercer, Central Jersey Source Tries to Slam the Brakes on Verrelli

Nearing the end of a furious first day of speculation around the seat soon to be vacated by Assemblywoman Liz Mouio (D-15), a source objected to the early display of power displayed early by the candidacy of Mercer County Freeholder Anthony Verrelli.
Verrelli works for the Carpenters.
So does Middlesex County Democratic Committee Chairman Kevin McCabe.
Mercer and Middlesex have had their Ethiopia- Eritrea-like wars over the years, most notably or recently in 2014, when the supposedly smaller county poked Middle in the eye with the election of Bonnie Watson Coleman over Linda Greenstein in the 12th District Congressional Contest. Middlesex could lay claim to the last laugh, though, with Mercer all but invisible in the gubernatorial sweepstakes, and the elevation of Assemblyman Craig Coughlin (D-19) to the speakership.
But now Mercer is tugging at Superman's cape again.