ZERO HOUR: Panos Sees Edison as the Determining Point; Argues $15 Minimum Wage an Immigrant Biz Killer

Middlesex County GOP Chair Lucille Panos argues that the Democrats have failed to make a convincing argument for why their ticket would better serve the voters in her sprawling Central Jersey county, and sees real opportunity for Republicans, staring in Edison.
"I see the tide changing in the suburban towns," Panos told InsiderNJ, a day after she attended a rally for GOP mayoral candidate Keith Hahn, who opposes incumbent Mayor Tom Lankey.
No one takes responsibility for circulating racist flyers, and everyone - Republican and Democrat like - is condemning them.
But Panos said she sees deeper missed opportunities by the Democrats led by gubernatorial aspirant Phil Murphy.
"A lot of the immigrant population consists of small business owners, and they don't want a $15 minimum wage," the county chair said. "They feel like they've been used by the Democratic Party.
" Edison is a big turning point, and determining point," she added.
The lurid racist flyer knocking around Facebook is "so evil," she said, reaffirmed the pocketbook and business-sensible issues she believes her party led by Republican Kim Guadagno continues to connect on, and described her countywide and local slates as "the most diversified ticket anywhere," which includes Chinese, Egyptian and Indian Americans.