AC's Guardian Supports Guadagno in Governor's Race

As AC Mayor Don Guardian simultaneously battles the state over the takeover and kicks off his re-election campaign (see the story here) told Insider NJ that he's with Kim Guadagno for Governor. He's met with the other candidates vying for their party's respective nomination, and likes them all. But his relationship with the Lt. Governor is deep.
"Kim has been good to Atlantic City. We chat and text all the time. I support her for Governor," Guardian told Insider NJ after a police and fire union-led press conference at City Hall this afternoon, where he had strong words for the sitting Governor he hopes Guadagno will replace. The determining factor, ultimately, will be a candidate's stance on the takeover and how he sees the relationship with the state and the city under a new administration. Guadagno's not in favor of the takeover, he says, but if she were to change her mind, "then I might have to reconsider that."
But what of the looming shadow of a hobbled Governor Christie over the Lt. Governor, who has served in his administration for eight years.
"Kim's not a creature of Christie," said Guardian, who agreed when asked by Insider NJ if it appears the Governor is trying to undercut Guadagno. "She was loyal to him for eight years and now he should be doing everything he can to get her elected Governor."