Bob Hugin Named As Next Chair of NJGOP

Jack Ciattarelli, the Republican candidate for New Jersey governor, today announced his support for businessman and former candidate for U.S. Senate Bob Hugin as the next chair of the NJGOP. Ciattarelli released the following statement:
“Bob Hugin is a self-made successful businessman, Marine Corps veteran, and the best possible leader for the NJGOP at this time. His fundraising capability, organizational skills, and proven leadership qualities will usher in a new era for the Republican Party in New Jersey. I am proud to have Bob as a member of this team and look forward to seeing the incredible momentum and success that we can accomplish together. The goal is to win this November. Bob can help us do that up and down the ticket.”

Previous comments for: Bob Hugin Named As Next Chair of NJGOP

  1. Kathleen Demarest says:

    ………………..BOB HUGIN??? BOB HUGIN……. Who ran ugly, vicious, cruel attack ads against Senator Menendez, hour by hour……. day after day after day until many New Jersey residents were turned off by Bob HUGIN. BOB HUGIN………Who spent millions of his personal funds to lose the 2018 Senatorial Election by approx. 10 points. BOB HUGIN.………Who was endorsed by Trump. BOB HUGIN……….Who received criticism of drug pricing. Research/ google… BOB HUGIN

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