Dienst: Suspect's Body Identified as Roy Den Hollander

Roy Den Hollander

From NBC's Jonathan Dienst: The body of the suspect in the Sunday killing of Daniel Anderl, identified by sources as attorney Roy Den Hollander, was found on a property in the Sullivan County town of Rockland, near Liberty, which is in the New York Catskills.

The U.S. Attorney's Office issued the following statement of confirmation:

"The FBI has identified Roy Den Hollander as the primary subject in the attack that occurred at the home of the Honorable Esther Salas on July 19, 2020. Den Hollander is now deceased. The investigation remains ongoing. Individuals who believe they have information relevant to the investigation should contact FBI-Newark at 973-792-2000, press option 2."

[caption id="attachment_97588" align="alignright" width="300"]Daniel Anderl Daniel Anderl[/caption]

From The Daily Beast:

Hollander described himself on his website as an anti-feminist. “Now is the time for all good men to fight for their rights before they have no rights left,” it said. It also contains a list of misogynistic comments under the heading “Jokes.”

His family could not be reached for comment.

His website contains the following prompt: "Contact Roy to help battle the infringement of Men's Rights by the Feminists and their fellow sisters the PCers."

Hollander showed up at the home of Judge Ester Salas on Sunday dressed as a FedEx deliveryman.

He killed the judge's 20-year old son, Mr. Anderl, and critically wounded her husband, criminal-defense lawyer Mark Anderl, 63, who is said to be in critical condition after surgery.

According to the NBC report:

Authorities are investigating whether a gun found at the scene matches the one used to kill Judge Esther Salas' son and wound her husband, law enforcement sources say.

"Den Hollander is a notoriously anti-feminist men's rights attorney, whose vitriolic website and book condemn women in rage-filled terms. In one of his books, he specifically blasted Salas by name as 'lazy and incompetent' and said her only accomplishment was being a high school cheerleader. (Den Hollander appeared in her court at one time as counsel in a lawsuit over the all-male military draft.)"

Hollander had a case pending before Salas, challenging the military’s men-only draft, according to The Daily Beast.

A source close to Judge Salas says he believes the judge, and not her husband, was Hollander's intended target.

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