INSIDERNJ POLL: How Does CD4 Ultimately Play Out in 2018?

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Previous comments for: INSIDERNJ POLL: How Does CD4 Ultimately Play Out in 2018?

  1. Sarah Warner says:

    This race is interesting, and as a disgruntled republican from the 4th district, I'm completely on the fence. One thing that is clear to me is that Chris Smith HAS to go. The guy has spent, what, a week in NJ each of the past few years? Is he even alive anymore, or do they just wheel him around like in Wekend at Bernie's and move his arms for him to vote? In any event, I'm done with the whole absentee congressman act, and the fact that he was first elected when I was 2 is a sign that he needs to go. Unfortunately, the other republican options aren't much more appealing, so I'm looking on the other side to see if I can tolerate them enough to get Smith out. Keady is a loudmouth, but I do believe he'd actually work hard for the good folks of the district, and I'm sure he'd stand up to the crap Trump keeps spewing forth trying to wreck the GOP. But there is no way he can win this election, because the ultra conservatives won't buy his progressive rhetoric, and the regular folks aren't going to look past the domestic violence claims. It sounds crazy, but I'm looking at Keeling in this race. I actually met him while I was walking on the shore, and he was riding his bike around talking to folks on both sides of the aisle about what mattered most to them. I've honestly never seen anything like it before. He doesn't look a day over 35, and he has only lived here ten years (he has a southern drawl still, haha), but he served in the Navy (check!), he is a school teacher (check!), and he genuinely seems to want ta represent the people (check!) instead of whoever paid for his campaign. From his views he sounds more like an independent in dem's clothes, and he holds some conservative views, but he may have won me over while talking to him. From the looks of this poll, it looks like he's won others over too. Speaking of this poll, it looks like Chris Smith's folks have the spam robots voting up their stats! I just saw his vote count jump up by 100 in one minute. Fishy...

  2. Tony Giordano says:

    As Keady has pointed out, there's a huge block of independents in the district that a strong Dem can win over, and Jim is working on doing that. Smith is being exposed as a do-nothing. With a good turnout, Jim wins.

  3. jeff s says:

    Of course. I'd vote for him. I'm just not under any illusions that a Democrat can win this district. Maybe if it was open. But it's the most Republican district in the state and Smith has built up a lot of good will by doing strong constituency work and straying from the right-wing line just enough.

  4. Liz DeBeer says:

    Maybe they don't know Felicia Stoler is a primary candidate v Smith.

  5. jimsilverman says:

    you can refresh the page and vote again. this poll is almost as easy to hack as the actual election.

  6. jimsilverman says:

    You should check out Keady then, he actually stands with unions.

  7. Jennifer Fluharty says:

    Is there a reason that the Republican who has actually challenged Chris Smith in the primary was excluded from this poll, while hypothetical candidate was floated? Also for you naysayers, if you are Dems, I wonder how active you’ve been at the local level lately. The energy mounting to unseat Smith is indescribable, and I encourage you to get out from behind the keyboards and join us! Plenty of opportunities to get involved, especially if you are undecided about your choice of primary candidate.

  8. actor90 says:

    Chris Smith has earned my respect and my vote. He will win in a landslide.

  9. jeff s says:

    Are some of you serious. I’m a Dem and live in the district and there’s no way Smith will lose. No matter how big a wave is against him. He voted against Trumpnocare and the tax cuts. And has always had a decent amount of labor support.

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