MBI's Timothy Martin On Life Support

An earlier version of this report incorrectly wrote that Tim Martin had passed away. Insider NJ has learned that Mr. Martin is in a coma and on life support.
A long-time mainstay of the firm, Martin's roster of clients included the NJ Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals, the Community Associations Institute, DT Allen, the Medical Society, and others.
Highly regarded for his knowledge on housing, environmental, and health policy issues, Martin led efforts on animal rights, out-of-network legislation, medical provider reforms and other patient safeguards, and brownfield reclamation and redevelopment.
'Tim was a dedicated and fierce but affable advocate for his clients and for just causes. He was a dear son and a friend to all. He's gone too early, but we were blessed to have known him, and to have learned from him. We should all aspire to live up to Tim's legacy', said MBI President Rudy Garcia. 'The MBI family is heartbroken over this loss, and we are grieving alongside Tim's family and his many friends. Please all pray for Tim and his family during this difficult time'.
I don't think they care at all. I have emailed all their contacts and so have many people. No response. Worst journalism ever
Would it REALLY have been so hard to pick up the phone and contact us before putting FAKE NEWS in circulation?? Do you have ANY IDEA how much trouble you caused an already grief stricken family!? Do you care?? A 3rd grader could do better research and reporting. Your lack of professionalism, not only shows in your haste at posting false information, in your inability to accomplish basic journalistic research, but is also shown in your inability to correctly edit, retract, or apologize for the additional turmoil you caused our family. Unprofessional and disgusting, not only is this kind of "reporting" a stain on REAL news media everywhere, it is the very definition of FAKE NEWS. This "edited" version of this article is a joke of a correction and a SECOND slap in the face to our family. How dare you!? You owe Tim's entire family a published public apology.
Sure article is fixed but headlines still he passed away. Delete it and write a new article or fix the headline. This is ridiculous
Except he's not dead. He is in a coma. You caused so much pain to family and friends thinking they would never get to say goodbye. Thankfully we figured out he is still alive so his friends to visit and say goodbye.