In Morris, Promoting Unity through Bifurcation

Rob Zwigard [bubbleAutoLink text="lost his bid" id="26650"] in June to head the Morris County Republican Committee by four votes.
Nonetheless, he now has his own group to run. That would be the Morris County Republican Victory PAC. Zwigard is the group's new chairman, according to an announcement on Monday.
Here's the official stuff.
"I am pleased to take over this organization that has a 14-year history supporting Republican success in Morris County," Zwigard said. He replaces Tim Smith, who is said to be moving out of state.
The Victory PAC helps raise money for Republican campaigns across the county. According to the release, the group this election cycle made "greater than 20,000 calls and distributed hundreds of signs and thousands of literature packets in support of the Republican ticket from the local to the county to the federal level."
The Republican effort produced a mixed bag. Republicans kept control of all county-wide offices and most municipal seats, although the GOP did lose control of Morris Township. But what was more alarming for Republicans is that Democrats won Morris County's two congressional seats.
Zwigard pledged in the release to "increase economic success and quality of life of Morris County residents by promoting Republicans."
All this may seem fine and dandy, but you have to wonder how the Victory PAC will now mesh with the Morris County Republican Committee, which is headed, of course, by Ron DeFilippis, who defeated Zwigard by the aforementioned four votes.
In the past, relations between the two have not been peachy. Recall that about a year ago now, a complaint letter to the state Election Law Enforcement Commission said the Victory PAC was violating election law, a point strongly denied by the PAC.
Now, two political organizations in Morris County dedicated to electing Republicans are going to be headed by the two men who engaged in a bitter campaign just six months ago.
Any dispassionate observer has to wonder if this is the best way to promote unity.
The Republican has changed to such a degree that their agenda lies totally in the private interest not the common good. The environment to them is a mere obstacle to overcome and degrade to gain profits; profits for the few. When environment becomes a partisan issue the nation is lost. They have become in many ways the money changers of the their drug of choice. Republicans are light years removed from Lincoln, T. Roosevelt. They have turned the Constitution into a senseless political payoff of power elites in the pursuit of power not democracy. We thanks to them are failing to build on advances already made and not faithfully upholding the laws of the land. Ironic the south has risen again through their platforms..Disunited States..
They did a really great job for Jay Webber.