Republican Challenger Kovic will Stay in CD-11

Republican candidate for Congress Robert Kovic announced today he will stay in the 11th Congressional District primary election.
“With the new congressional district map came many questions,” Rob Kovic said. “The short answer to those questions is I will remain in the 11th District race.”
Kovic continued, “I did not move out of the district, the Democrats moved me out of the district by two blocks at a time when the momentum in this primary was swinging my way with endorsements from Richard Grenell and General Michael Flynn.”
“I announced my candidacy in June and this campaign has always been about ending the radical left’s march toward socialism.” Kovic added, “My parents fled a socialist nation to provide a better life for their family, I refuse to dishonor them by giving up the fight against the radical left’s socialist agenda.”
“Congresswoman Sherill votes with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of The Squad 91% of the time. Even after redistricting, the values of Sherill and her friends in The Squad are not the values of folks in the 11th,” Kovic remarked.
“Voters in the 11th want a member of Congress who will honor American greatness, not apologize for it. They want their children to be taught how to think, not what to think, they want medical freedom, not government mandates,” Kovic said. “Most importantly, voters in the 11th want a member of Congress who will defend the rights of the individual and always honor our Constitution and that is exactly what I will do in Washington.”