Sherrill to Tour Picatinny Arsenal

Mikie Sherrill on Monday is about to begin getting acquainted with one of the more significant institutions in the 11th District - Picatinny Arsenal.
The congresswoman-elect that day is scheduled to visit Picatinny, which is located in Rockaway Township.
The arsenal says on its website that its team of "more than 6,000 personnel" includes solders, sailors, airmen, marines, civilian employees and contractors. The website says the arsenal leads in the "research, development, acquisition and life-cycle management of advanced conventional weapon systems and ammunition."
Notwithstanding, Picatinny seems to be in a perpetual battle for survival in the face of possibilities it will be closed and its mission transferred elsewhere.
During the just-concluded campaign, Sherrill, who has a military background as a former Navy pilot, pledged to have "Picatinny's back."
Army rules prohibit candidates from visiting military bases while they are campaigning, so next week's scheduled visit will be Sherrill's first official trip to Picatinny.
Sherrill has said she wants a seat on the House Armed Services Committee to better protect Picatinny's future.
The district's outgoing congressman, Republican Rodney Frelinghuysen, has been seen by some as a strong advocate for Picatinny.