Steve Sweeney Rolls out New Ad: 'Protect'

 Today, Steve Sweeney for Governor is rolling out a new ad, titled “Protect.” The ad features Gloucester County Sheriff Carmel Morina, who highlights Steve’s commitment to being a Democrat who is tough on crime, willing to fund law enforcement at a time when others call for cuts and also equip them with the resources they need to keep our communities safe.

As Governor, Steve Sweeney will keep illegal guns off our streets and protect communities across New Jersey. He believes that no one should feel unsafe in their own neighborhood.  New Jerseyans need a strong leader in Trenton, and Steve Sweeney is willing to take on the toughest fights to deliver results for working families

Watch “Protect” HERE

Full Transcript

Gloucester County Sheriff Carmel Morina: “I’ve seen what happens when communities are left unprotected. Steve Sweeney doesn’t just talk; he get (bleep) done. Steve funded police when others wanted cuts. He cracked down on illegal guns. Steve’s tough enough to fight the politicians who play games with our safety.”

Steve Sweeney: “Not enough Democrats are willing to say that we need to be tough on crime. I’m Democrat Steve Sweeney. As Governor, I’ll make New Jersey safer for my family. And yours.”

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