Welcome Back Home to the Gold Dome, Joe Donohue

TRENTON - Ten years ago, InsiderNJ fast figured out the best and easiest way to cover the state budget during budget season: go and stand next to Star-Ledger reporter Joe Donohue.
Many lawmakers followed the same drill.
Donohue, who now works as the deputy director of the state Election Law Enforcement Commission, knew budget numbers - not to mention campaign finance figures - better than anyone.
That's why InsiderNJ naturally sought him out today on the day Governor Chris Christie gave his 2018 Budget Address.
Donohue, pictured above left with ELEC Executive Director (and InsiderNJ columnist Jeff Brindle) returned to work last week at ELEC after taking a hiatus that began last fall when the legendary former Statehouse reporter confronted a health issue.
We were happy to see him looking well and back on the old beat - and the timing, incidentally, couldn't have been better!
Thanks, Joe.
One of the good guys. Welcome back Joe!